Our Services

Speech Therapy

Our team of speech-language pathologists evaluate, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults.

Spelling to Communicate (S2C)

S2C is an augmentative and alternative communication method. S2C teaches purposeful motor skills to spell for communication, beginning on a letter board and working toward a high-tech device or keyboard.

Social Groups

Our groups allow our clients to develop skills and build relationships with one another. The goal is for all clients to develop a support network with like-minded peers with similar goals.

Parent and Caregiver Coaching

Coaching is designed to empower families to be involved in their loved one’s care. Strategies are developed by all members of the therapy team on an individual basis, to meet the needs of your family.

Communication Partner Training

We provide training to client home staff, school teams, and more, using an individualized approach in order to encourage open communication across settings with all partners.

Occupational Therapy

Our occupational therapy team helps clients of all ages develop and enhance their sensory integration, visual-motor, executive functioning, and motor skills to further independence in all areas of their lives.

Interoception Curriculum

Interoception is the ability to sense and understand what’s going on inside of one’s body. Improving this helps with responding to the body’s needs and emotions. We use Kelly Mahler’s Interoception Curriculum individually and in groups.

Ocular-Motor Support

OT at APT has a heavy emphasis on ocular-motor support to improve visual-motor coordination, perception and eye-hand coordination, as it relates to AAC use, functional skills, and activities of daily living.

Advocacy Opportunities

Many of our AAC users have a passion for advocacy. APT supports our students in this endeavor through free opportunities, such as our Speller Council, which allows open spellers to collaborate on advocacy initiatives.

IEP Collaboration

Our team attends IEP meetings and provides IEP feedback for current clients of the practice. This service ensures that school and private therapy goals are in alignment. This is available upon request at any time.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.